You wIll fInd the latest InformatIon about us on thIs page. The company Is constantly evolvIng and developIng. Our extensIve servIces and successful delIvery projects are examples of thIs. Our goals are to contInue our tradItIon of helpIng everyone and not gIvIng up on provIdIng the best solutIon. If you want to contact us, please fIll In the contact InformatIon on our websIte. Or use the approprIate phone number, Have a nIce day!
General Manager
Electrical Engineer
Electrical Engineer
gökhan gönül
+90 532 136 82 03
göksel yıldız
+90 532 354 81 31
aziz savaş
+90 533 580 04 07
yunus yılmaz
+90 539 895 90 68
General Coordinator